No Recovery No Fee
(310) 935-0405
Featured / June 19, 2024

Work Related Reimbursements

In California, employers are required by law to reimburse employees for all necessary expenses as a direct result of performing their job duties or responsibilities. Employers cannot require employees to waive their rights to receive proper reimbursement. If an employer fails to reimburse for these expenses, they can face a wage and hour lawsuit. The purpose of this law is to prevent employers from shifting the necessary cost of running a business onto their employees. The law also protects employees from being fired for invoking their rights to be reimbursed, and employers can be liable for wrongful termination in such cases. 

Examples of Reimbursable Expenses below: 

Cell Phone and Internet Bills: If you use your personal cell phone or home internet for work related activities, your employer must reimburse you for a reasonable percentage of your bill. This applies if your employer requires you to use your cell phone for work or you are required to maintain internet access at home. 

Travel Expenses: Many employees are required to travel as part of their duties. This may require several expenses that should be reimbursed by employers. Employers can put general restrictions on certain travel costs or

expenses, as long as they compensate the employee for their reasonable business expenses. 

Travel expenses may include: 

-Airfare or train tickets 

-Hotel accommodations 

-Meals during business travel 

-Rental cars or other transportation 

-Parking fees 

-Other incidentals related to work-related travel 

Uniforms and Work Clothing: If your job requires specific uniforms or work clothing, your employer must reimburse you for the cost of purchasing and maintaining them. This includes items like safety gear, specialized shoes, or branded uniforms. 

Tools and Equipment: If you use your own tools or equipment for work, your employer should reimburse you for their use. This applies to professions where employees provide their own tools, such as construction workers, mechanics, or hairstylists. 

Remember that the key for reimbursements is that the expense must be necessary for you to perform your job duties. It’s important for both employers and employees to understand these rights and obligations to ensure compliance with the laws. 

Contact Sani Law For A Free Consultation

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